Tēnā koutou,
A big thank you to all of you who attended our conference in Christchurch this past weekend.
Every year, there is a line in our conference booklet which reads: 'The Australasian Religious Press Association is YOU’… and it's true. Thank you for attending and being so willing to share your insight, support, encouragement, challenges and friendship.
On a personal level, this was a very moving conference as we reflected together on what it looks like to provide a hope-filled response in disaster and recovery. A very special thank you to all those who presented their experiences and insight—we were moved, challenged and encouraged in our roles as communicators.
Congratulations to all our wonderful award winners! I pray these awards will give you encouragement in what is sometimes a lonely task, and that your readers, oversight teams and supporters would honour your achievements.
While it might seem far off in the distance, now is a great time to start planning for next year’s event in Perth. Keep an eye out on flights, and book it in the diary. We’d love to see you there as we discuss the changing landscape of communication.
Ngā manaakitanga,
Sophia Sinclair
More to come…