Ramon Williams Scholarship for 2018
ARPA received three very high standard (and valid) applications for the Ramon Williams Scholarship for 2018. Thank you to members for helping to facilitate applications from younger staff members of your publications.
ARPA is pleased to announce that the winner of the 2018 Ramon Williams Scholarship for 2018 is Joshua Low, journalist and photographer from The Record (Catholic Archdiocese of Perth). Congratulations to Josh and thank you to all applicants for your interest and desire to support ARPA. The scholarship will enable Josh to attend the 2018 ARPA conference and contribute to the future direction and development of the Australasian Religious Press Conference.
Ramon Williams has been involved with ARPA since its establishment in 1974. Ramon was awarded the Association’s premier trophy the Gutenberg Award in 1987. In 2013, ARPA recognised his long-standing public Christian ministry, and presented Ramon with the honour of an ARPA Citation for Outstanding Service to Christian Media. As the founder of Worldwide Photos Ltd, he has contributed in a variety of ways to the ministry of the Church in Australia, especially through the provision of photographic material, Christian stories and press releases to the Christian Media and the secular media. Ramon has been a source of great personal encouragement for many Christians in the media and many people have been touched by Ramon’s thoughtfulness and contact. Ramon’s life theme is Telling others what others are doing for the Lord and it is ARPA’s hope that this scholarship will be a source of encouragement for a younger member in their developing ministry of Telling others what others are doing for Lord.
Thank you to the entrants this year. A total of 312 entries were received and have been distributed to the judges for decision. Thanks to everyone for your understanding and assistance to me in the handling of these entries. It seems that most went into the correct categories and the few errors wee quickly fixed. I look forward to the results and commend everyone for their hard work in the preparation of the entries - Liz
2018 ARPA Conference: Novotel Brisbane: 7 - 9 September 2019
Communicating Hope and Trust in a Public Faith
The planning is coming along well, and details will be available over the next few weeks. Please book your accommodation now at the Novotel Brisbane now: 07 3309 3309
We are pleased to announce that on Saturday morning (8 September) Dr Alex Deagon will present on 'The Virtues of Public Religion'. Dr Deagon is Lecturer at the Faculty of Law at Queensland University of Technology and has published a substantial volume on Peace and Violence in relation to theology, law and community.
2018 Catholic Media Congress: 4-7 September: Brisbane
Registrations are now on-line for the 2018 Catholic Media Congress. The Website has comprehensive information available:
ARPA Executive Update
The ARPA Executive met using Zoom in May to discuss amongst other matters, updating the Conference planning. The Executive meets in this way on 3 occasions during the year. We meet face to face in February and of course during the Conference in September. All of this is carried out on a voluntary basis with members of the executive taking on their roles in addition to their publication work. Thinking towards the future, we need to encourage members to look at filling these roles as others look at retirement. The Conference in September provides an ideal setting to attend the AGM and to discuss this with current and past Executive members.